

Reliability counts in transport – to achieve this, fully operational and reliable equipment is key.

With our own workshops we can guarantee this.

We maintain and repair our own equipment as well as foreign.
Our workshops in Germany Berg (95180) and Czech Sokolov (35601) take care of all repairs and maintenance.

Continous inspections and maintenance, as well as quick repairs, shorten downtimes and support cost optimizations for our customers.


In D – 95180 Berg we operate a Scania workshop incl. Trailer-/Tankservices as well as 24h emergency services.

In CZ – 35601 Sokolov we can offer quick tank repairs as well as trailer repairs.

We are glad to euqip standard equipment according to the special needs of our customers, i.e. special connections or dry couplings which facilitate the conditions of the loading or unloading station.

Besides regular repairs and maintenance we can offer all checks according to the German legislation (HU/SP) in our workshop in Germany.



Lauterbach Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH

Scheibenacker 1
95180 Berg

Tel.: 09293 808 48

Opening hours:
Mo-Fr. 7.30 – 17.00h (Breaks: 9 – 9.30h and 12 – 13h)
Sa. 7.30h-12.00h (Break: 9 – 9.30h)

LC Sokotrans sro.

Tovarni 610

Tel.: 00420 352 660 620

Opening hours:
Mo-Fr 8 – 16h

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