

Inside cleaning of Tank- and Drybulk Trailers as well as containers play a mayor role for the efficiency within the transport chain. Loading units can only be used efficiently in our tightly planned transport chain if those are properly and timely cleaned. Properly cleaned means that the cleaning is done in a professional and environmentally friendly way with strict guidelines, to assure an absolute cleanliness of the unit to avoid any cross-contamination of the products transported. Our cleaning stations belong the following associations and therefore issue the ECD (european cleaning certificate) after each cleaning: Germany – DVTI and Czech

We clean a wide range of harmless and dangerous goods at our sites in Germany 95180 Berg and Czech 35601 Sokolov.

ADR classes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and packing group I are always exempted for cleaning!


Here you can find a list of accepted products at our site in CZ-Sokolov:



Here you can find a list of accepted products at our site in D-Berg:

Document in progress, will appear shortly


We kindly ask to contact us, in case the product you like to clean is not mentioned.


Lauterbach Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH

Scheibenacker 1
95180 Berg

Tel: +49 9293 808 44
Email: Tankreinigung@lc-lauterbach.de

Opening hours: MO-FR 7.30 – 17.00h (Breakfast 9-9.30h; Lunchbreak 12-13h)

After hours upon agreement


GS Sokotrans sro.

Tovární 2093
35601 Sokolov

Tel.: +420 352 622 893
email: Gssokotrans@gssokotrans.cz

Homepage: www.gssokotrans.cz

Opening hours: MO-FR 6.00 – 16.00h





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