Liquid Chemical logistics

Lcnet has been transporting liquid chemicals of all dangerous goods classes for leading chemical and petrochemical companies since decades.

Lcnet is operating specialized equipment and personel to safely and reliably transport the sensitive goods of its customers.

With our extensive connection between daughter companies and partners we connect customers all over Europe. This is done either with road tankers or intermodal with Tankcontainers.

Lcnet is operating a modern fleet of Tanktrailers, Trucks and Tankcontainers – follow the link to look at the different fleet specifications we can offer.

With our partner R.M.I. Global Logistics we are also able to offer worldwide Logistics incl. Foodstuffs.

Besides the regular transport we offer our customers logistic services all around our equipemt e.g. as intermediate storage or find solutions for questions related to the topic of the transport of chemical liquids.


To LCnet belong the following:

Lauterbach Speditions GmbH / D

LC Sokotrans sro. / CZ

LC Slovaktrans sro. / SK

Chemlog kft. / HU


R.M.I. Global Logistics / NL

Hope Sped Srl. / RO




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