The FLEXITANK is a good possibility to the regular ISO Tank for the transport of non-hazardous liquid goods


  • Removable Packaging for liquid goods which fits into a regular 20′ Boxcontainer
  • FLEXITANK is cheap and can be installed in each 20′ Boxcontainer
  • Has to be disposed after each transport (Recycling)
  • Only for non-hazardous goods
  • Plnou recyklovatelností
  • Very suitable for regions where tankcontainers are rare and need to be allocated


Suitable Substances

  • Chemical materials(non haz.!), oils, emulsions, dispersions, latex
  • Silicones, silicates, colors
  • Food products like: wine, oils, fruit juices and concentrates, syrups, molasses and water

The outer lining

Polypropylene fabric, resistant to fluid dynamic impact which arises during transportation

The inner shell

Various types of plastics according to the products transported (chemicals/foods). Charging-/Discharging either through Top or bottom valves – depends on Flexitank – type and requirements.

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